Short Stories

 # 332: Jenny und ich

 # 422: Compulsion (German # 337)

 # 423: Entanglement

 # 424: Helping

 # 425: Islanders

 # 428: Suicide

 # 430: Vacation

 # 432: Wing Horses

 # 433: The Girl and the Wizard

 # 434: Wish Machine

 # 435: Writing

 # 436: Zugzwang

 # 465: The Chess Game (→ 156, 329, 429)

 # 513: A Time Traveler meets Laozi! 

 # 514: Ultima's Dream

 # 515: The Cosmic Wednesday

 # 516: The Last Comedian

 # 549: The Youngest Mathematician

 # 551: Chuckleton's Charme


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